Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Little About Diamagnetic Chemistry

A Little About Diamagnetic ChemistrySo you've found the right site to learn the basics of chemistry and/or calculus, and now you want to learn more about asymmetric diamagnetic chemistry. The field of asymmetric chemistry is all about turning the known properties of one element into another. The diamagnetic element, or magnetite as it is sometimes called, is not always magnetic in nature, but may also be bonded with elements with very similar properties. Asymmetric magnetism is used in most of the modern techniques for balancing compounds, a process that yields many new insights about the chemistry of crystals.Think of your parents when they were growing up, and what kind of things they were able to do with chemistry? Think of a time when a friend came over with a notebook and said 'Hey, look at this!' How good was that? Well, this is exactly what diamagnetic chemistry is like, except with a twist. By understanding all the main types of paramagnetic and paramagnetically charged molec ules, it becomes easy to match them up and create molecules that are mirror images of each other.This chemical world is full of things that look like acids, like all the lemon-lime drinks, coffee, and soda pop, and the acid in wines and beers. But there is another type of acid, one that is used in medicine and in industry, and is used in everything from medications to cleaning agents, and it is called phosphoric acid. The basic form of this chemical is Epsom salt, and because the molecular structure is actually symmetrical and is known as a symmetric molecule, it's the perfect chemistry for a paramagnetic acid, and therefore a paramagnetic molecule.Let's take a second to look at how we use chemistry today. Sometimes chemicals will be added to foods and drinks to create acid-forming products, such as acid-powders. Such products are simply chemical combinations of acids, in which acids form acid-base pairs, and in which acids interact with bases to make hydrogen gas or hydroxide. The chemistry behind this process is that the hydrogen gas is absorbed into the food when it is eaten and then stored until it is eventually broken down by bacteria.Many acids can react with other substances to form non-acid products, such as ketones, which are water-based derivatives of acids. And even the acid in saliva has the ability to become an alcohol, so what was originally acid is turned into something more stable. All of these products are created in the reaction of two substances that are identical in chemical structure, even though they're in different types of liquids. With some chemicals, more than one of the acids can combine to form a new compound, and the chemistry behind that reaction is asymmetric. Since both acids exist in solution, they tend to react to one another in symmetric ways.An example would be a molecule of sodium chloride that is wrapped in magnesium carbonate, or graphite. If you find sodium chloride, in its pure form, you will see a black ring around the edge of the crystalline shell, and when you heat the solution, the black ring turns to a yellowish orange color. If you break up the sodium chloride into its constituent ions, you'll notice that some have a very sharp, concave edge that quickly cracks open, while other ions have a smooth, rounded surface. When the atoms in the graphite have a sufficient number of electrons, they tend to have their electrons thrown off more rapidly, and that produces a significant amount of energy.Now, take a look at how asymmetric things look when they are arranged in a way that makes them symmetric. In a perfect diamagnetic molecule, the edges of the carbon atoms all go straight, and the inside of the circle is made up of a dimple, while the outside of the dimple is completely flat. This is the perfect symmetry of the atom.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Reading for Kids How to Motivate a Child to Read Books

Reading for Kids How to Motivate a Child to Read Books In our age of the mass media and the Internet children prefer to spend time watching TV or playing computer games. Very few juniors realize that reading a book may be just as exciting and breathtaking as watching a movie of the same story. However, experienced readers know that impressions after reading a good book may be even more breathtaking than after viewing an action movie.  Besides, reading is extremely useful for a young mind: reading develops imagination and emotional qualities, reading is brilliant gymnastics for the brain, reading improves memory and enlarges vocabulary, reading helps kids learn  attention focusing and patience, reading stimulates cognitive capacity, reading is a source of knowledge about the world. What can parents do to arouse a child’s interest in reading? It is very important to start  instilling a love of reading into children at infancy. This implies not just work on qualities of a small person but mostly work on your own laziness. It is much easier to allow a child to watch colorful cartoons instead of spending hours with the child reading books aloud. However, thoughtful parents may not neglect all of the benefits of raising an intelligent and clever child in spite of all additional efforts needed. The parents’ way of life is the best example of proper behavior for their children. So the best and easiest way for parents to teach children to love reading is to inspire them by personal example. Kids always imitate the behavior of their parents. If a baby often sees books in mother’s or father’s hands, the baby will want to have the same “toy” too. Books may become the favorite playthings of a child long before he or she learns to read. With the due diligence of  the parents there is even a chance that using books as toys will not necessarily lead to their destruction. The next milestone is to start to read aloud to a child as early as possible. This not only imparts reading skills to a baby, even if a baby cannot understand all the words yet this stimulates the development of auditory perception, curiosity and thinking abilities. If a child hears a new word or a new unclear fact or idea this evokes natural curiosity, incites a kid to ask questions and to get at the roots of things. There is an obstacle that prevents most children from reading books   television. Many children, as well as adults, can’t imagine life without TV. Of course, there are many useful and informative programs for children on TV and it is not possible to reject television completely. But it is necessary to make it clear to a child that a book contains advanced variants of a film version of a story. The main thing is that, before they watch a film version, children must develop their own vision of a story. So that the book has been imprinted in child’s memory as the original source and the child has developed his own cognitive experience. So beware that you must not allow children to spend too much time being glued to the TV. Another very important point is a selection of books for little listeners and readers but it is a rich topic which deserves to be reviewed in a separate article. In the beginning the major task is to detect genres and authors that holds a child’s attention most of all. Reading books is extremely useful on all stages of personal development from early childhood when children only begin to understand the world by listening to books read by their parents till the mature age when books provide knowledge needed for spiritual growth and adaptation to age crises. Books teach to love, to empathize, to analyze actions and to trace cause-and-effect relations between events. Reading books contributes to the development of a holistic and well-balanced personality. Help your child to grow up to be a reader!, a nationwide tutoring referral service, offers a wide range of reading tutors in any US city: Los Angeles, Phoenix, Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Portland, Houston, Miami or in any other city.

How to Start Off Your Fall Internship With a Strong Foundation

How to Start Off Your Fall Internship With a Strong Foundation via Interns Australia Internships are an extraordinary time to put what you have been learning into practice and to gain some experience in the working world, and hopefully, in the field you would like to work in someday. Interns often receive a lot of guidance and support from those who supervise their work and those who work alongside them that puts them in a good position to succeed after graduating. Like any new experience, there is initially some trepidation on the first day coupled with the goal of making a good impression. Making a good impression could mean a full-time job in the future as well as good references and lifelong friends. With that in mind, there are a few things you can do to ensure your internship is well-worth the time and effort. Seek the right internship opportunity Avoid getting into an internship just because some of the students in your class have one. If you do this, you will most likely take the first one you find and not receive the full benefit of such an experience. Begin your search by asking questions: How does this relate to my academic goals? Is this needed to receive class credit? Will I be able to use this experience on my resume and/or in the working world? Is the company I’m choosing worth the time and effort? Questions like these can help guide you to the right internship. Set personal goals and expectations for the experience The more goals you set for yourself, the more likely you are to succeed. The more expectations you set for yourself, the better you’re going to be at holding yourself to a certain standard. The company or organization has goals that you will be a part of achieving and setting your own goals inside the company goals means you can personally achieve too. Go into an internship expecting to do what your supervisor tells you, but also be prepared to take initiative and make the opportunity one that is worthwhile. Almost every situation can be a learning experience if we make it so. Meet the people you will be working with beforehand People help to make companies what they are so it is a good idea to reach out and connect with some of the people you’ll be working with. Doing so can help you learn more about the company, the type of characteristics it looks for in its employees, and the goals of the company. A face to face meeting is sometimes possible, but if not, simply research them. LinkedIn can be a very good source of information as well as a simple Google search of their name. Develop lifelong connections early Internships are an opportunity for you to develop connections with people that will last a lifetime. You will always be able to refer to those connections if you have a question or even if you need a recommendation. Further, you can place your internship on your resume for future job applications and count the skills you developed as part of your repertoire. Be prepared to do your best work Like anything in life, you must give it your very best shot. Those who make the best grades, many times, aren’t necessarily the smartest, but they work the hardest and are committed to doing excellent work. Giving your best isn’t just an activity; it is a state of mind and enhances your personal well-being. One reason is that when we do our best work, we not only help reach the overall goal and impress the boss, we also feel good about our performance. Seek out advice from your supervisor and coworkers Be ready and willing to ask questions. Many times, interns fear asking questions because they think it will come across as stupid or it will be overlooked because of their age. That is almost never the case. In most instances, people are willing to answer your questions and give you advice when and where you need it. Seeking advice and asking questions is part of what it means to learn. If we dont understand or know something, we ask. Even Google is willing and ready to give us answers; all we have to do is type in the question. Of course, it takes practice but over time, you will learn a lot more by overcoming that fear and reaching out. Internships, like most everything else, are what you make it. With classes and other duties, you can still make your experience a rewarding one with the suggestions above. Once you get past the first day, I promise, it will become easier. And if you’re not in your final year yet, you may want to consider doing another one for the fun, the connections, and the experience.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Fast Track Degree - Tutor Hunt Blog

Fast Track Degree Fast Track Degree Fast Track DegreeUniversitiesEducation ministers announced on Friday that Students will be given the option to choose a fast track, two year degree. Those choosing this condensed course will have to work far more intensely, with their studies running well into the lengthy summer break. Unfortunately the cost of this two year course will not be any cheaper than the full three year degree. Logic might suggest that fees would be one third lower, a saving of thousands of pounds - but this is not the case. Students selecting this fast track degree course will pay the same as those choosing the traditional three year degree. Savings can still be made though, since a shorter study period will mean accommodation costs will be reduced. The intended merits of this fast track degree option are not financial ones though. Universities Minister Jo Johnson has said the flexibility of shorter degrees are hoped to attract more mature students, disadvantaged youngsters, and anyone else who might be intimidated by a full three year degree course. In repose to criticism that students would be paying the same fees for a compressed course, he said that the fast track degrees would be the `Same standard, same quality,` and that the students would receive exactly the same level of education. Addressing university leaders in London, Mr Johnson went on to say `It`s not fewer credits, or lower quality of provision, it`s the same standard, the same quality, but in a compressed period of time and that involves an increase in resources, which needs to be recognised in the fee structure.` Speaking about the benefits for the fast track system Mr Johnson said `there are clear advantages for the student,` such as saving a year`s living costs, which would allow them to get into employment quicker. For years there has been a growing advocacy for the UK to offer more flexibility in the structure in it`s higher, post sixth form, education system. Accelerated degrees are already offered by a number of universities - it was the previous labour and coalition governments that sanctioned this - however only a relatively small number of degrees can currently be completed in two years. The current proposals could lead to a far more extensive roll out of this fast track system - indeed, it could eventually become the norm for most degrees to offer this option. The change that has facilitated this proposal is the lifting of the annual tuition fee cap - it currently stands at 9000, but ministers are expected to raise this shortly, most likely to around 13000, which would enable universities to offer fast track degrees for the same cost as their regular three year courses. Many have been critical over these new proposals - the UCU (university and college Union) have said that the primary beneficiaries would not be students themselves, but private, for profit companies, who would do very well out of a `pile `em high and teach `em cheap` attitude to teaching. Sally Hunt, the UCU general secretary was extremely critical of the proposals, said that `accelerated degrees risk undermining the well-rounded education upon which our universities` reputation is based. As well as placing a huge burden on staff, these new degrees would only be available to students who could study all year round. Our universities must remain places of learning, not academic sweatshops` The Russell Group, an organisation founded in 1994, and which represents 24 of the country`s leading universities, has also been openly critical of the two year degree proposal. Dr Tim Bradshaw, its acting director said that while innovation is to be welcomed in the education field `full-time, three-year degree programmes are generally the most appropriate at research-intensive institutions`. There are certainly benefits to the fast track system - being able to enter the job market a year earlier may be chief among them. What`s concerning however is the potential for the degree to be devalued, that the motivation of this move is for universities to increase their profitability by providing shorter courses for the same price. 3 years ago0Add a Comment

What Is Doping Chemistry and How Do You Know What Youre Getting Into?

What Is Doping Chemistry and How Do You Know What You're Getting Into?In sport, the word 'doping' has become synonymous with any and all means to improve a performance; it was once, to most, just a dirty word. But today, as scientists continue to explore the mind and body of athletes using sports drugs, the word 'doping' has been broadened to also refer to an athletic drug which is chemically engineered in order to enhance athletic performance.Doping is an issue for some athlete who are so dedicated to their sport that they think nothing is out of the ordinary when it comes to their sport. What is doping chemistry? Basically, it is a growing concern about the doping of athletic performance. There are those who believe that no way can someone be so dedicated to their sport as to give up their own health to do so.As more athletes become better at their sport, the incidence of serious athletic performance issues is on the rise. That's when concerned parents ask, 'what is doping?' The an swer, according to some experts, is that many sports are using designer-drugs in order to create a better sport - with the goal of gaining a better place in the athletic world.Doping Chemicals could be used by any professional athlete to increase their performance; something like this has been rumored to occur since the discovery of an amino acid called epimedium, which is a common ingredient in so many athletic supplements. It enhances a blood's 'aspirin effect' in terms of preventing 'aching muscles,' by boosting protein synthesis. However, like anything else, it should not be taken or prescribed without the approval of a medical professional.However, there is also growing concern about the inclusion of amphetamines in some of the sports supplements that can be found over the counter at most pharmacies. These designer amphetamines are often taken to increase the performance of athletes, but can cause a host of negative side effects, both in the short and long term. On top of that, it has been found that these amphetamines alter a person's brain chemistry, making it difficult for them to get a full night's sleep.Whether or not the synthetic chemicals or amphetamines will have an effect on a person's performance, the thing is, is that no one knows. The only sure way to know for sure is to ask a medical professional who can tell you if the product you are taking has adverse side effects or not.In the end, the best advice you can give your child about how to stay safe while participating in the sports they love is to follow the rules and if they're unsure or want to talk to a sports trainer, make sure they ask their parent first. If they ask you, you're the best person to tell them what is doping chemistry.

Safe Cracking Tutor - Earn Money From Home From Anywhere

Safe Cracking Tutor - Earn Money From Home From AnywhereThere are many different ways in which you can earn money with a safe cracking tutor, but for most people that is the only way to get paid. You could visit your local hardware store and try and sell any cracked screen they may have on their shelves, or take out a loan against your property and pay it back as a new piece of property. Or maybe you can go to the pub and start a few pies, and make some more than you probably need.However, these are the least likely options. The reality is that most people will never make enough money from home to feel comfortable letting go of their house and putting money in a bank account, so you'll have to work your socks off to make money from home, and if you don't enjoy doing this then you're not really going to enjoy it. This is why there are so many different ways that you can make money at home without having to work and make a lot of money at home.The most obvious way is to use a safecrack ing tutor, and do all the paperwork on your own. You can spend all day looking for the safe without actually cracking it, or you can spend all day doing the paperwork. Either way, you will be making a lot of money at home doing something you enjoy.Another way to make money at home from home is by developing an online business around a hobby you enjoy. As long as you can have an online presence for the particular niche you are into, then you can advertise for free. You can buy advertising space from a company you like and make money for free.You can also create an RSS feed or Facebook page and start making money from home, advertising products for free. This could be anything from a game you bought to play while you were away at work, to an eBook you have to read on your Kindle. Allyou have to do is promote the products yourself, and you can build a strong network of buyers from the readers.You can also find other people to start businesses with you and do the same thing you would do for them. You will not spend hours on end at the hardware store trying to make sure everything is in the right place, and then you will get paid a commission for each sale that you have done. You can even start a business that you can sell to other people and see how much money you make.No matter which route you take, you will have earned money from home, and you will have made yourself feel better about earning money from home. The reason this is possible is because of the advent of modern technology. You can access the internet through your computer, and all you have to do is spend time looking for the information you want, instead of going down the route you probably think you would if you didn't have that option.

What is it Like to Attend Louisiana Tech University

What is it Like to Attend Louisiana Tech University Courtney earned her bachelors degree in business management from Louisiana Tech University. She specializes in writing tutoring, ACT English tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Louisiana Tech University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Courtney: Louisiana Tech University was a very student-friendly campus. It offered both on-campus housing and off-campus living options for students, so modes of transportation depended on where students lived. How available are the professors, academic advisors, and teaching assistants? Courtney:Professors, advisors, and teaching assistants were always available to help students with whatever they needed. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students, etc.? Courtney:I commuted all four years while attending Louisiana Tech, so I didnt experience dorm life. But I felt the school offered a lot of socialization opportunities. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? What did you study and why? Courtney:Engineering and business were the most popular programs at my school. I started as a music education major because of my passion for music. However, I graduated with a degree in business management, because I knew that I would learn valuable skills for any job I wanted in life. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Courtney:I immediately made friends as a freshman. I made new friends every year. My first two years I was in Sigma Alpha lota, which is a music fraternity. A lot of my friends did come from this organization; however, most of my friends came from being in band. I did make a lot of friends as a business major as well. How helpful are the Career Center and other student support services? Courtney:I never used the Career Center. However, the business department was really great at accommodating students needs and being very helpful and understanding. How are the various study areas, such as libraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Courtney:I lived near campus, so I didnt use the library very much. Campus had a lot of study rooms for students to take advantage of. My favorite place to study was Tolliver. This is mostly a dining area, but it has a lot of room for studying as well. Also, the student center and the tables right outside are a great place to study if you dont mind the noise. Describe the surrounding town. Courtney:Ruston, Louisiana is a very small town. Its made up of a lot of retired people and college students. Everyone seems to know everyone, and its very friendly. They have good food and therere many events in the downtown Ruston area. I absolutely loved living there. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Courtney:I was generally pleased with my major-focused classes. Some of the basic classes everyone had to take were pretty large, but once you start taking classes for your major, theyre the perfect size. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you regret the most. Courtney:I had a really tough incident of a friend passing away while I was a junior. My dean, who was also one of my teachers, contacted all of my teachers and let me turn in my last assignments two weeks late. She even set special office hours for me to come in and finish up some assignments so that it would work around my schedule. It was a really great experience and showed how much she cared. Check out Courtneys tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.